The epidemic of credit card debt in the last five years would make you believe that credit cards are a bad thing. By themselves, credit cards are not bad. They not only can be a tremendous convenience, in many situations a credit card is absolutely essential. And building a good credit history [...]
Make the Credit Card Companies March to Your Tune
Does it ever seem like credit card companies seem to treat their customers like indentured slaves? The policies that these credit companies use to handle your accounts are at best unscrupulous and at worst, down right outrageous and robbery. If any other industry tried to cheat their customers out of money like the [...]
Low interest credit card
Low interest credit card
Low interest credit cards
A lot of people just look at low interest credit cards when they are looking to get a credit card for themselves. The credit card suppliers too advertise low interest credit cards more that any other kind of credit cards. However, should low interest credit cards be the only [...]
Maximizing the potentials of a low APR credit card
Indeed, if a credit card is used properly, it can be the most powerful financial tool. But not everybody can afford all the expensive rates of most credit card issuers offer. This is where the low APR credit card ushers into help people who plan to maintain a balance on their account and not to [...]
steps to tackle credit card debt problem
steps to tackle credit card debt problem
Looking for a solution to your Credit card debt problem?
First of all, you can take comfort in the fact that you are not the only one fighting the credit card debt problem. There are hordes of people who might have an even worse credit card debt problem compared [...]
Knowing When to Panic
There is another level to what should be the purely financial problem of how to handle your credit card debt. That side has to do with the human toll that carrying that debt from month to month and year to year can have on a person and on a family. A familys finances [...]
Just Make Plastic Money Problems Go Away
It is easy to eliminate credit card debt
Well, anyone who makes this comment is sure to be labelled as a moron. However, let me remind you of a famous quote Where there is will, there is way. So that is how easy it is to find a way to eliminate credit card debt. What you [...]
Just How Bad Is Bad With Plastic Debt
Bad debt credit card is basically a credit card that the credit card suppliers offer to the people who have bad debt. Did that astonish you? Well, dont let your thoughts run just yet.
You can classify bad debt credit cards into categories based on what you understand by bad debt credit card. The [...]
It Takes Planning To Get Out From Under Card Debt
It Takes Planning To Get Out From Under Card Debt
Yes, you can get out of credit card debt. If you are determined to get out of credit card debt you surely can get out of credit card debt. Though its a bit difficult to get out of credit card debt, it isnt impossible.
All you [...]
Is Zero Percent For Real?
The desire to climb out of credit card debt is universal for anyone who is fighting this big problem. And it isnt an isolated problem. More and more people are having big problems with credit debt especially in these times when you just about have to use credit every day.
There is [...]